The Ultimate Guide to Removing ?utm_source=web-stories-generator and ?feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8 from URLs
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The Ultimate Guide to Removing ?utm_source=web-stories-generator and ?feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8 from URLs

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Are you tired of seeing those pesky URL parameters ?utm_source=web-stories-generator and ?feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8 cluttering up your website’s URLs? Do you want to improve the readability and SEO of your website by removing these unnecessary characters? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you exactly how to remove ?utm_source=web-stories-generator and ?feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8 from your URLs.

What are ?utm_source=web-stories-generator and ?feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8?

Before we dive into the removal process, let’s take a step back and understand what these URL parameters are and why they’re added to your website’s URLs.

What is UTM Source?

?utm_source=web-stories-generator is a UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameter added to URLs to track website traffic and analytics. It’s commonly used by marketing teams to monitor the effectiveness of their campaigns. The “utm_source” parameter specifies the source of the traffic, which in this case is “web-stories-generator”.

What is Feed ID and Unique ID?

?feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8 are also tracking parameters, but they serve a different purpose. The “feed_id” parameter is used to identify a specific feed or content stream, while the “_unique_id” parameter is used to track individual users and their behavior on the website. These parameters are often used by content recommendation engines and personalization tools.

Why Remove ?utm_source=web-stories-generator and ?feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8?

There are several reasons why you might want to remove these URL parameters from your website:

  • Better URL Readability**: URLs with these parameters can be lengthy and cluttered, making it difficult for users to read and share them. Removing these parameters can make your URLs cleaner and more user-friendly.

  • Improved SEO**: Search engines like Google may consider these parameters as duplicate content or thin content, which can negatively impact your website’s SEO. Removing them can help improve your website’s ranking and credibility.

  • Simplified Analytics**: If you’re not using these parameters for tracking, they can clutter up your analytics reports. Removing them can help you focus on more important metrics and make your analytics reports more accurate.

Methods to Remove ?utm_source=web-stories-generator and ?feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8

Now that we’ve covered the why, let’s dive into the how! Here are several methods to remove these URL parameters:

Method 1: URL Rewriting using .htaccess File

If you’re using an Apache server, you can use URL rewriting to remove these parameters. Add the following code to your .htaccess file:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)utm_source=web-stories-generator(&|$) [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1? [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8(&|$) [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1? [R=301,L]

This code uses regular expressions to match and remove the unwanted parameters. Make sure to update the code to match your specific URL structure.

Method 2: Using JavaScript and URL API

If you can’t modify your server configuration, you can use JavaScript to remove these parameters client-side. Here’s an example code snippet:

const url = new URL(window.location.href);

window.history.replaceState(null, null, url.href);

This code uses the URL API to create a new URL object, delete the unwanted parameters, and then update the browser’s URL using the `replaceState` method.

Method 3: Using a Plugin or Module

If you’re using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress or Drupal, you can use a plugin or module to remove these URL parameters. For example:

  • WordPress: Use a plugin like Remove Query String to remove unwanted URL parameters.

  • Drupal: Use a module like URL Alias to remove and redirect unwanted URL parameters.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the importance of removing ?utm_source=web-stories-generator and ?feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8 from your website’s URLs. We’ve also provided three methods to achieve this, including URL rewriting, JavaScript, and using plugins or modules. By following these instructions, you can improve the readability, SEO, and analytics of your website. Remember to test and verify the results to ensure the removal process doesn’t break any critical functionality on your website.

Method Advantages Disadvantages
URL Rewriting Server-side, fast, and efficient Requires server access, may require technical expertise
JavaScript and URL API Client-side, easy to implement May not work for all browsers, may cause JavaScript errors
Plugin or Module Easy to install and configure, no coding required May require CMS compatibility, may have performance impact

Remember to choose the method that best fits your website’s needs and technical capabilities. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments section below!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: Will removing these URL parameters affect my website’s analytics? A: No, removing these parameters won’t affect your website’s analytics. You can still track your website’s traffic and behavior using other methods like Google Analytics.

  2. Q: Can I remove other URL parameters using the same methods? A: Yes, you can remove other URL parameters using the same methods. Just update the code or plugin configuration to match the specific parameter you want to remove.

  3. Q: Will this affect my website’s SEO? A: Removing these URL parameters can improve your website’s SEO by reducing duplicate content and improving URL readability. However, it’s essential to test and verify the results to ensure no negative impact.

Here are 5 questions and answers about removing “?utm_source=web-stories-generator and ?feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to your burning questions about removing those pesky URL parameters!

What is ?utm_source=web-stories-generator and why does it appear in my URL?

This is a tracking parameter used by web story generators to track the source of traffic to your website. It’s added to the URL to help the generator identify where the traffic is coming from, but it’s not necessary for your website’s functionality.

Why should I remove ?utm_source=web-stories-generator from my URL?

Removing this parameter can help simplify your URL, improve user experience, and even boost your website’s SEO. It’s also a good practice to remove unnecessary parameters to avoid cluttering your URL.

What about ?feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8? What do these parameters do?

These parameters are likely used by the web story generator to identify specific feeds and unique IDs. However, they’re not essential for your website’s functionality and can be safely removed to simplify your URL.

How do I remove ?utm_source=web-stories-generator and ?feed_id=1816&_unique_id=65de7f2c860c8 from my URL?

You can use URL rewriting rules or plugins to remove these parameters from your URL. Alternatively, you can also use a URL shortener or a redirect tool to simplify your URL.

Will removing these parameters affect my website’s analytics or tracking?

No, removing these parameters won’t affect your website’s analytics or tracking. The data is likely stored in the web story generator’s system, and removing the parameters won’t impact your website’s performance or tracking.