Swagger POST Request Woes: Troubleshooting Failed Fetches against Spring Boot Webflux Proxy
Image by Judey - hkhazo.biz.id

Swagger POST Request Woes: Troubleshooting Failed Fetches against Spring Boot Webflux Proxy

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Are you tired of staring at the cryptic error message “Failed to fetch” when making a Swagger POST request against your Spring Boot Webflux proxy? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the common pitfalls and provide step-by-step solutions to get your SwaggerPOST requests up and running smoothly.

What’s the mystery behind “Failed to fetch”?

The “Failed to fetch” error is often a vague indication that something went wrong during the request. It’s crucial to understand the underlying causes to fix the issue. Let’s explore some common reasons behind this error:

  • Incorrect API endpoint or URL: A simple typo or incorrect path can lead to the “Failed to fetch” error.
  • Authorization and authentication issues: Misconfigured or missing authentication tokens, headers, or credentials can prevent the request from succeeding.
  • Content type and serialization: Discrepancies in content type, serialization, or deserialization can cause the request to fail.
  • Proxy configuration and routing: Misconfigured proxy settings or routing rules can intercept or block the request, resulting in the error.
  • Server-side issues and exceptions: Server-side errors, exceptions, or crashes can also lead to the “Failed to fetch” error.

Pre-requisites and setup

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, ensure you have the following setup:

Spring Boot Webflux application: A working Spring Boot Webflux application with a RESTful API.

Swagger configuration: Swagger is properly configured and integrated with your Spring Boot Webflux application.

Proxy setup: A proxy is set up to route requests from the client-side to your Spring Boot Webflux application.

Troubleshooting steps

Now that we have the setup in place, let’s follow these step-by-step troubleshooting instructions:

Step 1: Verify API endpoint and URL

Double-check the API endpoint and URL in your Swagger configuration. Ensure that the endpoint is correct, and the URL is properly formatted.

    title: My API
    description: My API description
    version: 1.0.0
    - https
    - application/json
    - application/json
        summary: Creates a new user
          - application/json
          - application/json
          - in: body
            name: user
            description: User object
            required: true
              $ref: '#/definitions/User'

In the above example, the API endpoint is `/users`, and the request method is `POST`. Verify that the URL is correct and the request method matches your Swagger configuration.

Step 2: Check authorization and authentication

Verify that the necessary authentication tokens, headers, or credentials are present and correctly configured. Ensure that the authentication mechanism is properly set up on both the client-side and server-side.

public class MyController {
    public ResponseEntity<User> createUser(@RequestBody User user) {
        // Authentication and authorization logic
        return ResponseEntity.ok(user);

In the above example, we’ve omitted the authentication and authorization logic for brevity. Ensure that you have the necessary authentication mechanisms in place, such as OAuth, JWT, or basic authentication.

Step 3: Verify content type and serialization

Ensure that the content type and serialization are correctly configured on both the client-side and server-side. Verify that the request and response bodies are properly serialized and deserialized.

public class MyController {
    public ResponseEntity<User> createUser(@RequestBody User user) {
        return ResponseEntity.ok(user);

class User {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    // getters and setters

In the above example, we’re using JSON as the content type. Ensure that the request and response bodies are properly serialized and deserialized using the correct content type and serialization mechanism.

Step 4: Check proxy configuration and routing

Verify that the proxy configuration and routing rules are correctly set up. Ensure that the proxy is properly configured to route requests to your Spring Boot Webflux application.

        - id: my_route
          uri: lb://my-service
            - Path=/api/**
            - AddRequestHeader=X-My-Header, My-Value

In the above example, we’re using Spring Cloud Gateway to configure the proxy. Ensure that the routing rules and predicates are correctly set up to route requests to your Spring Boot Webflux application.

Step 5: Review server-side logs and exceptions

Review the server-side logs and exceptions to identify any underlying issues or errors. This will help you pinpoint the root cause of the “Failed to fetch” error.

public class MyController {
    public ResponseEntity<User> createUser(@RequestBody User user) {
        try {
            // Logic to create user
            return ResponseEntity.ok(user);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error creating user", e);
            return ResponseEntity.internalServerError().build();

In the above example, we’re catching and logging any exceptions that occur during the request processing. Review the logs to identify any underlying issues or errors.

Swagger configuration tweaks

In addition to the troubleshooting steps, you can try the following Swagger configuration tweaks to resolve the “Failed to fetch” error:

Disable CORS

Try disabling CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) in your Swagger configuration:

    enabled: false

Specify the request body

Explicitly specify the request body in your Swagger configuration:

          description: User object
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/User'

Use the `try it out` feature

Use the `try it out` feature in Swagger to test the API endpoint and verify the request and response bodies.

Swagger Configuration Explanation
`cors.enabled` Disables CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
`requestBody` Specifies the request body in the Swagger configuration
`try it out` Tests the API endpoint and verifies the request and response bodies


In this article, we’ve covered the common pitfalls and provided step-by-step solutions to troubleshoot the “Failed to fetch” error when making a Swagger POST request against a Spring Boot Webflux proxy. By following these instructions and tweaking your Swagger configuration, you’ll be able to successfully make POST requests and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

Remember to review the troubleshooting steps, verify the API endpoint and URL, check authorization and authentication, ensure correct content type and serialization, check proxy configuration and routing, and review server-side logs and exceptions. Additionally, try out the Swagger configuration tweaks, such as disabling CORS, specifying the request body, and using the `try it out` feature.

By the end of this article, you should be able to identify and resolve the root cause of the “Failed to fetch” error, ensuring that your Swagger POST requests work seamlessly against your Spring Boot Webflux proxy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Swagger POST requests not working as expected with Spring Boot Webflux Proxy? No worries! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions and answers.

Why am I seeing a “Failed to fetch” error when making a POST request through Swagger against my Spring Boot Webflux Proxy?

This error usually occurs when the request is being blocked by CORS policy. Make sure to configure CORS correctly in your Spring Boot Webflux Proxy to allow requests from Swagger. You can do this by adding the `@CrossOrigin` annotation to your controller or adding a CORS configuration bean.

I’ve configured CORS, but I’m still getting the “Failed to fetch” error. What’s going on?

Check if your Swagger client is sending the correct `Content-Type` header. Webflux requires the `Content-Type` header to be set to `application/json` for POST requests. You can do this by adding the `consumes` attribute to your Swagger operation definition.

I’ve set the `Content-Type` header, but the request is still failing. What’s the issue?

It’s possible that your request body is not being serialized correctly. Make sure that your request body is a valid JSON object and that you’re using the correct JSON serializer in your Swagger client. You can also try debugging the request payload to see if it’s being sent correctly.

How can I debug the request payload and see what’s being sent?

You can use the browser’s developer tools or a tool like Postman to debug the request payload. In the browser, open the developer tools and switch to the Network tab. Find the request that’s failing and check the Request Payload section to see what’s being sent. In Postman, you can use the Console tab to see the request payload.

I’ve tried all the above solutions, but I’m still seeing the “Failed to fetch” error. What’s next?

If you’ve tried all the above solutions and you’re still seeing the error, it’s possible that there’s an issue with your Spring Boot Webflux Proxy configuration or your Swagger client configuration. Try debugging your application logs to see if there are any errors or warnings that might indicate the cause of the problem. You can also try searching for similar issues online or seeking help from a development community.